Configuration of Home Automation App
- Download and install “SUHANS” App on the smart device(s)
- Configuring SUHANS App
- Open the “SUHANS” app.
- Click on Menu button and select IP Settings.
- Enter the “IP” credentials of CUBO.
- Press Done after entering the IP details
- Once the IP Address is successfully configured in the App, click on “Yes”.
Adding admin/user
- The admin has to be created in CUBO.
- Open browser in hand held device & type < CUBO_IP >/addAdmin.html
For Ex:
- In this page we can see 3-fields as Name, Email address and Phone number.
- Enter the above credentials.
- If entering the credentials for the first time, then that particular Name/Email will be considered as Admin of the app/system. Admin will be capable of adding/deleting users.
- Press Submit.
- Open App & enter the IP details initially.
- After Success it will ask to add admin details.
- Enter the same credentials of admin as entered in the browser & click ‘Submit’.
- A passcode will be generated and will be sent to your mobile no.
- Enter the Passcode which you receive as flash SMS.
- Re-enter the passcode for confirmation to login to the app.
- After entering the Passcode, “dashboard view” of the system will come.
Dashboard view
- Click Menu & select Home Automation tab.
- Click on the “Area” to view the list of lights connected in that area.
- Clicking on particular light, it will toggle the state of the physical light & update the status in the app.
- Blue colour indicates that the light is in OFF state. Green colour indicates that light is in ON state.
- Moods are used to switch ON/OFF a group of lights associated in the particular area of your home.
- The app has 5 different type of moods i.e.
Master ON,
Master OFF,
- By clicking on the particular mood
E.g.: Clicking on Master On will switch ON all the lights in the Living area.
- The moods can be configured in the settings page which is shown below.
- Settings page will give you the access for configuring and scheduling moods and Info about the system.
Configuring Moods
- Click on Moods in setting page to configure the moods.
- By clicking on Moods, you will get the option of configuring and scheduling the moods.
- Click on the particular room to configure the moods.
- Once we select the room, click on the particular mood as Master On, Master Off, Morning, Evening or Dinner.
- Select the lights and dimmers to configure for the particular room.
Ex. Light-3, Light-4 are for ON status, Light-5, Light-6 are Off
- After configuring the lights and dimmers click on “Apply” button. Once applied, we will receive the Success message as “Saving Configuration”.
Scheduling Moods
- Under moods section user can schedule a particular mood to be executed without physically doing so.
Eg.: Switch “ON” Living Area lights at 6.00 PM at evening every day.
- After Configuration, click on the next tab to schedule the lights of the particular area.
- Select the mood as Master On, Master Off and Select the date, Select the time click on Apply Daily/Apply Once the mood will be applied to the particular date and time.
- User can view the scheduled status of moods for different timings & date.